<< Press

MARCH 2022


RAFI Indices Monitors Developments of Ukraine War


RAFI Indices, LLC, a sister company of Research Affiliates, LLC, a global leader in smart beta and asset allocation, is reviewing and monitoring developments surrounding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its related investment repercussions.


In the midst of the tragedy and tumult of the Ukraine War, we are working closely with multiple parties, including index calculators, benchmark administrators, and asset owners, to gather feedback and assess the composition of our suite of RAFI Index strategies. We are continually monitoring the latest developments and implications of this geopolitical shock and adjusting to new information.


With the escalation of sanctions and the decision by the Central Bank of Russia to temporarily suspend trading on the Moscow Exchange, many index providers are removing Russian securities from their indices. We are taking measured steps in assessing our rules-based, model-driven methodology and plan to remove Russian securities from our indices, details of which will be available in Index Notices and Announcements.


We continually welcome your feedback, input, and inquiries and invite you to reach out to any of our team members or email us at indexsupport@rafi.com.

For further information please contact:

Tyler Bradford, Hewes Communications, Inc.
+1 (212) 207-9450, hewesteam@hewescomm.com

About RAFI Indices

RAFI Indices, LLC, is a California limited liability company established in 2016, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Research Affiliates Global Holdings, LLC. RAFI Indices, LLC, constructs, publishes, and licenses various indices and does not offer or provide investment advice or offer or sell any securities, commodities, or derivative instruments or products. The RAFI trademark is used under license by RAFI Indices, LLC. The RAFI Indices, LLC, corporate name and all related logos are the exclusive intellectual property of RAFI Indices, LLC.

About Research Affiliates

Research Affiliates, LLC, is a global leader in smart beta and asset allocation. Founded in 2002 and based in Newport Beach, California, Research Affiliates is dedicated to creating value for investors and seeking to have a profound impact on the global investment community through its insights and products. Research Affiliates delivers solutions in partnership with some of the world’s leading financial institutions through their offerings of mutual funds, ETFs, separately managed accounts, and/or commingled accounts. As of December 31, 2021, about $169 billion in assets are managed worldwide using investment strategies developed by Research Affiliates.


Web: www.researchaffiliates.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/research-affiliates
Twitter: @ra_insights


The material contained in this document is for information purposes only. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or financial instrument, nor is it advice or a recommendation to enter into any transaction.

The trademarks Fundamental Index and RAFI, and the Research Affiliates trademark and corporate name and all related logos, are the exclusive intellectual property of Research Affiliates, LLC, and in some cases are registered trademarks in the United States and other countries. Various features of the Fundamental Index methodology, including an accounting data–based noncapitalization data–processing system and method for creating and weighting an index of securities, are protected by various patents, and patent-pending intellectual property of Research Affiliates, LLC. (See all applicable US Patents, Patent Publications, Patent Pending intellectual property and protected trademarks located at https://www.researchaffiliates.com/en_us/about-us/legal.html#patent-trademarks-copyright, which are fully incorporated herein.) Any use of these trademarks, logos, patented, or patent-pending methodologies without the prior written permission of Research Affiliates, LLC, is expressly prohibited. Research Affiliates, LLC, reserves the right to take any and all necessary action to preserve all of its rights, title, and interest in, and to, these marks and patents.


RAFI Indices, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Research Affiliates Global Holdings, LLC and does not offer or provide investment advice or offer or sell any securities, commodities or derivative instruments or products. Any such business may only be conducted through registered or licensed entities and individuals permitted to do so within the respective jurisdiction and only in conjunction with the legally required disclosure documents and subject to the legally required regulatory filings.

Media Inquiries

US: Tucker Hewes

Hewes Communications (New York)

Phone: +

Email: hewesteam@hewescomm.com

London: Kepler Communications

Kepler Communications (London)

Phone: +44 (0)78 0858 5184

Email: cvilliers@keplercomms.com

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